top Options

This area has the following options:

Show top area (pick value from list, default=Yes)

This option determines whether or not the "top" area is actually displayed.

You can select one of the following values:


Display the "top" area.


Do not display the "top" area.

HTML tag (pick value from list, default=div)

The HTML tag to be used to render this group or area.

You can select one of the following values:

article, aside, div, header, footer, section, no wrapper

Style class (plain text)

A CSS class name to add to the HTML tag used to render this area.

Lazy loading (pick value from list, default=Disabled)

Switches lazy loading on and off for this page component (group, area or widget).

You can select one of the following values:


Lazy loading is disabled: this page component will always be loaded.


Lazy loading is enabled: this page component may not be loaded into some devices (see Skip on device ).

Skip on device (select required options)

If Lazy loading is Enabled, then this option specifies the device classes for which this page component will not be loaded.

Check the options you require:


If Lazy loading is Enabled, do not load this page component into large windows.


If Lazy loading is Enabled, do not load this page component into medium-sized windows.


If Lazy loading is Enabled, do not load this page component into small windows.

Fragment Token (plain text)

An automatically generated ID is written to this field the first time a template is saved. Do not modify this value.

Lazy loading (pick value from list, default=Disabled)

Switches lazy loading on and off for this page component (group, area or widget).

You can select one of the following values:


Lazy loading is disabled: this page component will always be loaded.


Lazy loading is enabled: this page component may not be loaded into some devices (see Skip on device ).

Skip on device (select required options)

If Lazy loading is Enabled, then this option specifies the device classes for which this page component will not be loaded.

Check the options you require:


If Lazy loading is Enabled, do not load this page component into large windows.


If Lazy loading is Enabled, do not load this page component into medium-sized windows.


If Lazy loading is Enabled, do not load this page component into small windows.

Fragment Token (plain text)

An automatically generated ID is written to this field the first time a template is saved. Do not modify this value.