Navbar Options

This group has the following options:

HTML tag (pick value from list, default=nav)

The HTML tag to be used to render this Navbar group.

You can select one of the following values:

nav, div

Navbar style (pick value from list, default=Default)

The style to be used for rendering this Navbar.

You can select one of the following values:


The default style - a CSS class called navbar-default.


An alternative style with inverted colors - a CSS class called navbar-inverse.


A custom style as specified in the Custom navbar style class field.

Navbar position (pick value from list, default=Scroll)

Specifies where and how the Navbar is to be positioned.

You can select one of the following values:


The Navbar is positioned at the top of the page and scrolls normally, so it can scroll out of view.

Fixed on top

The Navbar is positioned at the top of the page and locked in position, so it cannot scroll out of view.

Fixed at bottom

The Navbar is positioned at the bottom of the page and locked in position, so it cannot scroll out of view.

Custom navbar style class (plain text)

The name of a custom CSS class to be used for rendering this Navbar (used if Navbar style = Custom ).

Allow override (boolean, default=false)

Specify to determine whether this area/group is overridable in overlay template. The designer identifies the areas/groups in the reference template that could be special for some sites or market and then checks the field to make it referable in overlay template