Build the code

After extracting the distribution, you will see several folders. The source code of the widgets can be found in misc/widgets directory. In order to build the code, you need to have access our maven repository ( ). Note that this repository is password protected. You need to contact Escenic to get the username/password. After that, you need to configure maven so that it downloads artifacts from this repository. A sample settings.xml file is provided in misc/conf folder of each distribution.

When you have access to the repository, you should create the Widget Framework artifacts by running mvn clean install command in the misc/widgets directory. It will then add all widgets as artifacts onto your local repository.

After this, you should go to the misc/demo directory. If you run the mvn clean install command again, a demo webapp will be available under the misc/demo/target folder. For core, community and mobile distributions, the demo war file name will be 'demo-core-<version>.war', 'demo-community-<version>.war' and 'demo-mobile-<version>.war', respectively. Here <version> specifies the version of Widget Framework that you are using.

Please see the 'Escenic Content Engine Installation Guide' for instructions on how to deploy the war file onto your application server.