Using core, community and mobile widgets together

The mobile widgets are required if you want to enable mobile support for your site. The mobile widgets are distributed as part of a separate plug-in which contains the full source code for the widgets, along with a demo publication. If you want to build a publication using all core, community and mobile widgets, you need to follow the instructions below :

  • Download all Widget Framework Core, Widget Framework Community and Widget Framework Mobile distributions from and install all of them as standard ECE plug-ins.

  • Go to misc/widgets directory for all of the extracted archives and run mvn clean install command. Make sure that the build is successful in all case.

  • Then go to the misc/demo folder of the community distribution. Edit the pom.xml and add the dependencies to all core widgets and all mobile widgets. If you are not sure how to add these dependencies, please check the pom.xml in misc/demo folder of Widget Framework Core distribution.

  • Add the dependency to widget-framework-mobile at the top of the <dependencies>.

  • In the <transformers> of the <configuration> of maven-shade-plugin add the following <transformer>.

  • Open misc/demo/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/web.xml file and add the <filter>, <servlet>, <filter-mapping>, and <servlet-mapping>that is required for mobile. If you are not sure how to add these, please check the web.xml of the mobile distribution.

  • Moreover, please add the <ui:group/> definition for core widgets and mobile widgets in misc/demo/src/main/webapp/META-INF/escenic/publication-resources/escenic/content-type file of the community distribution.

  • Ensure that the maven-shade-plugin configuration in pom.xml is correct so that css files for both core and mobile widgets are merged properly.

  • Please run mvn clean install in misc/demo folder of community distribution. After the build is successful, take the demo webapp war file from the misc/demo/target folder and create a publication using it. This war file should contain the templates, as well as content type definitions, of all core, community and mobile widgets.

  • Please download Viz Mobile Expansion and install it as an ECE plug-in. Additionally, you'll need a valid license from mobiletech, which needs to be placed in tomcat's lib folder

  • You need to make sure that the values for various properties in /WEB-INF/classes/config/ in the deployed webapp are correct in your context.