About The Build Tool

A ready-to-use publication build tool configuration is provided in the default parent project supplied with the Widget Framework: com.escenic.widget-framework:wf-project-core. All standard publications should use this project as their parent project - they then inherit its publication build tool configuration, and for simple projects no further configuration is required.

The simplest way to set up correctly configured publications is simply to copy and modify the demo publications supplied with the Widget Framework in the misc/demo folder. If you look at the demo publication's POM file, misc/demo/pom.xml, you will see that it's parent project is specified as com.escenic.widget-framework:wf-project-core:


The demo project contains both a site publication and a blueprint that you can use as the basis for your own sites and blueprints. The project POM file, misc/demo/pom.xml references two sub-modules, demo-site and demo-blueprint, located in the misc/demo/demo-site and misc/demo/demo-blueprint folders.