Adding Resource Files

This section describes a specific application of the technique described in Adding Resource Transformers. You might need to do this if you have extended some of the core widgets in some way and need to add your own string definitions. These need to be added in the appropriate locations with each widget, but kept in separate files from the supplied strings. We'll assume that your objective is to generate an output properties file called com/escenic/framework/custom/ To do this you need to:

  1. Find the required widget folders under your Widget Framework distribution's misc/widgets folder (misc/widgets/widget-core-teaser, for example).

  2. Create a custom folder in each of the widgets' src/main/resources/com/escenic/framework folders.

  3. Create a file in each of the custom folders

  4. Add the required property definitions to your files

  5. Run mvn clean install in the distribution's misc/widgets folder. This will install the updated widget artifacts in your local repository.

  6. Add a resource transformer to merge your new resource file, as described in Adding Resource Transformers:

      <transformers combine.children="append">
        <transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer">

Now, when you build your publication, your merged will be included in the WEB-INF/classes/com/escenic/framework/custom folder of your publication WAR file.