Write a Group Processor

A group processor is a Java class that can be used to process the contents of a template group: add content, filter content or modify it in some way. A group processor must

  • Implement com.escenic.framework.processor.GroupProcessor

  • Override com.escenic.framework.processor.GroupProcessor's process method

The following example shows a group processor called MyDummyGroupProcessor:

package com.mycompany.group.processor;

import com.escenic.framework.processor.GroupProcessor;
import neo.xredsys.presentation.PresentationElement;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import java.util.Map;

public class MyDummyGroupProcessor implements GroupProcessor {
  protected static final String CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME = "myProperty";
  public void process(final PresentationElement pGroup,
                      final Map<String, Object> pGroupContext,
                      final HttpServletRequest pRequest) {

    //TODO: Process result and put into the group context
    pGroupContext.put(CUSTOM_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, "Your processed result here");

In this case, all MyDummyGroupProcessor does is to create a dummy group property called myProperty which can be accessed from JSP templates with the following expression:


Before a group processor can be used it must be compiled and added to the classpath. And you must have template-common- in your classpath.

Once you have written a group processor class, you need to:

  • Create a set of properties files to declare the group processor and register it in the system

  • Package everything in a JAR file

  • Deploy the JAR file in your publication