Converting Section Collection Fields

Section collection fields in certain widgets and groups will fail to work after conversion unless a small modification is made after export from the legacy publication. The easiest way to ensure that this modification is made in all the required places is to apply the XSL transformation migrate-to-3.6.xsl to all syndication files exported from the legacy publication before they are imported to the new blueprint publication. You will find migrate-to-3.6.xsl in the misc/migrate/ folder of the Widget Framework distribution.

If you are upgrading to Widget Framework 3.7.1 or higher, then you also need to apply the XSL transformation migrate-to-3.7.1.xsl to all your exported syndication files before you import them to the new blueprint publication. First apply migrate-to-3.6.xsl, then apply migrate-to-3.7.1.xsl.

Note that if you have already upgraded to 3.6 and are now upgrading to 3.7.1 or higher, then you will need to apply the migrate-to-3.7.1.xsl transformation to your blueprints.