CSS Files

The Widget Framework uses the standard resource transformer org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.AppendingTransformer to merge the CSS files it find in specific theme locations in your publication project, in the Widget Framework's framework module and in individual widget modules. The files are merged to theme CSS files. By default, the merge process is configured to handle one theme, called default with one variant called variant. In order to generate merged output CSS files for this theme, the AppendingTransformer looks for input CSS files with the paths static/theme/default/base/css/theme.css and static/theme/default/variant/css/variant.css.

This means that if you want to add CSS styles to the default theme or override existing styles in the theme, then you need to put your CSS styles in files called static/theme/default/base/css/theme.css and/or static/theme/default/variant/css/variant.css in your publication project.

You can extend the build process to handle additional themes by adding resource transformer configurations to your publication POM file as described in Add New Theme.