Search Client Configuration

HttpClientFactory is a Content Engine component for defining HTTP client configuration parameters. You should modify it according to your site's needs.

Make sure that enableHttpClientCache is set to true in order to enable caching. This is in fact the default setting in Widget Framework 3.2 and later versions - just make sure you don't override it, otherwise the Widget Framework will be unable to obey the caching instructions included in the HTTP headers returned with Solr results. In earlier versions of the Widget Framework, enableHttpClientCache is set to false by default, so you must explicitly set it.

A sample configuration file for HttpClientFactory is provided in /misc/siteconfig/com/escenic/framework/search/solr/

# define the socket timeout in milliseconds, which is timeout for waiting for data
# socketTimeout=5000
# define the timeout in milliseconds until a connection is established
# connectionTimeout=3000
# for enable/disable caching of solr search result
# enableHttpClientCache=true
# Sets the maximum number of cache entries the cache will retain.
# maxCacheEntries=3000
# Sets the maximum size of response that will be cached 
# maxCacheObjectSize=16384
# max connection per route
# defaultMaxPerRoute=10
# total number of connection
# totalConnection=10
# caching backend storage scheme, for example - /com/escenic/framework/search/solr/MemcachedStorage
# cacheStorage=/path/to/caching/backend/storage/component