Adding a Content Profile

To add a content profile to a publication:

  1. Open the publication's WEB-INF/classes/com/escenic/servlet/plugin-config/com/escenic/framework/content/profile/ file for editing.

  2. Add an entry like this:

    where name is the name of your new content profile ( newsletter for example) and context-path is its context path ( newsletter for example). All output generated with this profile will then have the specified suffix appended to the publication URL (giving http://publication-name/newsletter, for example).

  3. Define the name of the new content profile's root template by adding a section parameter like this to your publication's root section:

    where name is the name of your new content profile ( newsletter for example).

  4. Optionally, you can also specify the wireframe for your new content profile by adding a second section parameter:

    where wireframe is the name of the wireframe you want to use. If you do not specify this parameter then the new content profile will use the default wireframe.