Defining Look-up Services

Data source query forms may contain a special type of field called a look-up field. A look-up field is one where the user can select a value by typing: as the user types, a list of matching options is displayed, from which the user can pick the required option. The look-up operations that provide this kind of functionality are performed by web services. A number of look-up services are included with the Widget Framework, and you can also create your own look-up services if required (see Creating Your Own Look-up Service).

The built-in look-up services provided with the Widget Framework are listed in a configuration layer component called /com/escenic/framework/webservice/LookupSources as follows:


These services are used by the default data source query types, but you can also use them in your own queries:


This service returns information about all section page groups in all publications. Groups that appear in templates are not included.


This service returns information about all content types in all publications.


This service returns information about all relation type groups in all publications.


This service returns information about tags from all tag structures.


This service returns information about sections. It is used by the data source query section component (that is <component name="section"/>) in a query definition file.

If these services are insufficient and you need to create a look-up service of your own, then you can do so. For more about creating your own look-up service, see Creating Your Own Look-up Service.

To register your own look-up service with the Widget Framework, open configuration-root/com/escenic/framework/webservice/ (or create it if it does not exist), and add a definition that looks like one of the following:

  • lookupService.service-name=service-url/search/
  • lookupService.service-name=service-url/search/{term}

In both kinds of definition, service-name is the name that you will use to refer to the service in your query type configuration file and service-url is the URL of your service. Which kind of definition you should use depends on what kind of look-up service you have created. For further information, see Creating Your Own Look-up Service.