Curated view Options

This group has the following options:

Use view (collection)

Select the view you want to be used as the default for rendering teasers in this group/area.

Image (pick value from list, default=Please choose)

Select the image variant you want to be used as the default for displaying teaser images in this group/area. Note that you can hide images by choosing the Hide option.

You can select one of the following values:

Landscape, Portrait, Square, Wide, Free, Hide, Please choose

Teaser style (collection)

Select the style you want to be used as the default style for teasers in this group/area.

Title size (pick value from list, default=Please specify)

Select the title size you want to be used as the default for teasers in this group/area.

You can select one of the following values:

Biggest, Bigger, Big, Regular, Small, Smaller, Smallest, Please specify

Lead text size (pick value from list, default=Please specify)

Select the lead text size you want to be used as the default for teasers in this group/area.

You can select one of the following values:

Biggest, Bigger, Big, Regular, Small, Smaller, Smallest, Please specify