JSP Changes

index.jsp file has been removed. This file is no longer required in the new framework. But if you have this file controller will call this file. You may have some special logic in this file such as caching of widget. controller.jsp file is also not required. If you need this file you can keep. Framework will still call this for each widget if this file exist. Controller jsp is no longer creates the map that contains all fields. Rather it just use the map that exist in request scope and set by DefaultMapController. Its type has been changed also. You have to change this in all widgets. Otherwise widgets will not work. As for example for SEO widget it will be like

<jsp:useBean id="seo" type="java.util.Map" scope="request"/>

common.jsp has been simplified. Wireframe and config section related code has been moved to separate tags. If you don’t have any change in your old common.jsp you should use the new one. If you have changes in this file then you have to use the following tags in the common.jsp file and config section related code should be removed.

          <wf-core:resolveWireframe var="wireframe" scope="request"/>

showitems.jsp file has been moved to a tag called showItems.tag. Adding a custom group like tabbing group, carousel group is easy now. You just have to add a separate jsp file for the rendering logic and add this file in the template/framework/group directory of widget-framework-core module.

Logic of getitems.jsp has been moved to a request pool decorator. This file is no longer required. wfItemsResolver decorator will do this work. Profiling related logic has been moved to a processor called ProfilingProcessor. All newspaper related jsp files has been removed.