Creating a Widget

A widget is special kind of content item, so you can create one in the same way as any other content item:

  1. Select File > New > (Core/Community/Mobile)Widgets.

  2. the type of widget you want to create - Poll Widget for example.

  3. Configure the widget by entering values in its property fields.

  4. Click on Save.

All widgets have at least one mandatory property field (displayed in red) that you must fill in: Title, the name that will be used to identify the widget. Some widget types may have other mandatory properties. Section template widgets (see Content-based Widgets), for example, require you to enter a Group property - the name of the group from which the widget's content will be taken.

Widgets may have many other property fields, but usually most of them will have default values. The fields are divided into groups and displayed on separate tabs. Mandatory property fields always appear on the default General tab. For more information about property fields and how they are organized, see Configuring a Widget.

In addition to the General tab, all widgets have an Advanced tab and a Caching tab. Some widgets have no additional tabs, others have many.
