Changing skin from publication

You can change skin from publication also. Purpose of this mode is to preview a particular skin on the fly. After deployment you may have several skins. You can select skin and preview in this mode. You can upload new skin as zip format only. The interface for uploading skin and preview is like


Steps for changing and previewing skin in this mode are as follows -

  • Create a section parameter named wf.template.designermode and set value true. If this section parameter already exists ensure that its value is set to true

  • Now refresh your publication and you will see interface at the bottom of publication page. There you will see option to upload a new skin. A drop down list containing all available skins will be there also.

  • Use upload option to upload a skin. Only zip file can be uploaded as skin. File name will be used as skin name. If a skin already exists and you upload skin with same name then existing skin will be override by the new one.

  • To preview a skin select the skin from the drop-down and hit Preview Skin button

If designer mode is enabled then this skin will be used for all sections and article pages. It will get precedence over the skin name that you specified in section parameter. It will also be applied for mobile pages. After preview if you are satisfied with uploaded skin then you can set this name in the skin section parameter and disable web designer mode.

Be careful not to use this web designer mode in production environment. Always use this in development environment. For safety remove wf.template.webdesigner section parameter in production environment and you are also recommended to remove related template code for this.