Changing Skins in Web Studio

To change the skin of a section using Web Studio you must have section editing rights for the sections you want to change.

  1. Access Web Studio by starting a browser and pointing it to:


    where your-host is the host name or IP address of the machine on which Web Studio is running. A login page should be displayed.

  2. Enter the name and password of a user with sufficient access rights to edit the section you want to modify.

  3. Click on SECTIONS. A section tree is then displayed

  4. Pick the section you want to modify (usually config or one of its children) and click on its Administer link.

  5. Click on the Edit section parameters link

  6. Add a skin parameter of the following form:


    where skin-name is the name of the skin you want to be used in the section. If the skin parameter is already defined, simply change the existing value to the name of the skin you want to use.

    Currently escenic-times is the only default skins which is supplied with the Widget Framework by default:

    Other custom skins may have been created at your installation.

  7. Click on Save.

Section parameters are inherited, so when you change a section's skin in this way, the change also applies to all the section's sub-sections. The appearance of an entire publication can be changed by setting the root section's skin parameter.