Edit a Template

To edit your tennis template:

  1. Start Content Studio and log in as a user with editor or journalist access to templates.

  2. Find the new template (config.section.sports.tennis) and make sure you set its Page options property to config. For general instructions on how to do this, see steps 8 to 12 at the end of Creating a Template.

  3. You will see that the new template is empty: this means that it inherits all of its layout from its parent, config.section.sports. Open config.section.sports, copy the contents of its Right area, and paste them into the Right area of config.section.sports.tennis.

  4. Now make a change to the widgets you have pasted into config.section.sports.tennis: simply delete one of the widgets, for example, or replace it with a different type of widget.

  5. Click on Save to save your changes.