Live Blog Entries in a Content Template

To display live blog entries on content pages:

  1. Open or create the content template you want to use for live blogs.

  2. If necessary, create and configure the widgets you need to display the required parts of your Event content item (for example, a Content Field widget, a Content Information widget and a Content Body widget). You may not need to do this, because you have already created suitable widgets for use in other content templates, in which case you can re-use them.

  3. Drop the widgets in the required positions on the content template.

  4. Create a Live Entries view and configure it to display event entries as required. The basic process of configuring a Live Entries view is similar to configuring a Teaser widget or view: you select which entry fields you want to include, and specify how they are to be formatted. You can also configure the number of entries to be initially displayed. For the details of how to configure a Live Entries view, see Live Entries view.

  5. Drop the Live Entries view in the required position on the content template.

  6. Publish all the components you have edited: the Live Entries view, any widgets you have created or modified, and the content template.