The OEmbed Template Root

The template root name oembed is reserved for a special purpose. If your installation includes Live Center (a Content Engine plug-in for editing and managing live blogs), then you can use the oembed root to hold a special set of article templates for rendering content items that have been embedded in Live Center event entries. For general information about displaying Live Center event entries, see Display Live Blog Entries. Note that oembed templates will only work with Live Center version 1.4 or later.

Live Center allows live bloggers to embed Escenic content items in their blog posts (or event entries). When a Live Entries view is used to render event entries, any embedded content items are rendered using config.oembed.article templates rather than config.default.article templates.

You should only include article templates under the oembed template root: if you include section templates they will not be used.

The root group of all config.oembed.article templates must be an OEmbed config group. This group is a simplified version of the Config group that forms the root of config.default.article templates.

OEmbed templates are selected in exactly the same way as default templates. If, for example, you want all your content items except Picture to be rendered by the same template, then you can achieve this with the following oembed template hierarchy:
