Configuration options and services

There are several configuration options and services available for the EAE Logger module. These are managed through this modules web administration. After logging in to the web administration you will be able to see an Options menu item. Clicking on this will extend this item and show the General and the Page view options sub menu items.


The General options only includes some database options which were introduced during the installation of this module. The database options enables you to choose database type and the database source name, which is the JNDI path to the database connection pool that will be used by the Logger.

Page view

The page view Logger has some special services that can be managed from the Page view options page. These services are aggregation services and a maintenance service. The aggregation services will aggregate the page view tables data; from the original minute time-slots resolution to hour slots, or further, from hour slots resolution to day slots. The maintenance service will delete old records and clean up redundant records in the page view meta table.

The services are run periodically, defined by special cron expressions which you define. The cron expressions will say when and how often the services will be triggered. More on how these cron expressions are created is found on the Page view options page.

Clicking on the "start service" buttons along with correct cron expressions filled in the text fields right to these buttons, will start the aggregation services and the maintenance service. The aggregation services can be configured from logger.cfg placed in analysis-logger.war. After the war file is exploded in appserver, it will reside in analysis-logger/WEB-INF/config/logger.cfg. Please set the *.cron.expr appropriately so that it starts automatically when the webapp is loaded. If any expression is missing then that service will not start.

In order to see valid expressions please refer to the following URL.

Please note that if the WAR/EAR file is redeployed, the configurations will be lost. So, what might be useful is to keep the configuration file "logger.cfg" in some other location, and, define that location in a system property named "com.escenic.eae.config". It can specify a location on the filesystem or on the classpath. When the EAE-Logger application starts, it tries to look up for the configuration file in the location specified by the system property "com.escenic.eae.config". If it cannot determine the path specified, it will default to analysis-logger/WEB-INF/config/logger.cfg.

To keep the configuration on the filesystem, one can use -Dcom.escenic.eae.config=/some/location in the appserver's start-up script to specify that location.

The user should also keep the analysis-qs/WEB-INF/config/qs.cfg file in this location for persistent configuration of Query Service.

If the user hasn't specified the system property, s/he can also keep a copy of the configuration file in another location before redeploying the WAR/EAR file, and, update it later either by restoring it in analysis-logger/WEB-INF/config/logger.cfg or, patch it into the WAR/EAR later. An example command would be:

jar uvf analysis-logger.war -C my_analysis-logger_config_dir WEB-INF/config/logger.cfg

Please refer to the jar tool reference for help on executing the jar command.