Enabling logging of page views

Logging of page views is done by placing a piece of JavaScript on each ECE page (article/section frontpage) downloaded by the visitors browsers. A common JSP template for generating the JavaScript for both article pages and section frontpages is found in the EAE distribution, misc/client-scripts/jsp/eaePageviewLoggerClient.jsp. Copy this client script to your publication(s). View the example below for details. As the Escenic templates may vary from site to site, it's not always evident where to best include this JSP. However, make sure the script appears on the bottom of the page, included in a common JSP file called from the article templates (art_*.jsp) and section templates (sec_*.jsp).

Including the EAE client JavaScript

Let's say that a common JSP template is found in {PUB_ROOT}/template/ver1-0/wireFrame/default.jsp. Then copy eaePageviewLoggerClient.jsp to the folder {PUB_ROOT}/template/ver1-0/eae/. Edit default.jsp and add the following at the bottom of this file.

<%-- Start: Including EAE client script --%>
<TEMPLATE:call file="../eae/eaePageviewLoggerClient.jsp" />
<%-- End: Including EAE client script --%>

When the script is installed, edit the root section parameters. In Web Studio section administration, add the following property telling the Logger script what the URL to the EAE Logger servlet is:
