Showing Friendship Notifications

The user should get a notification when his friendship request is accepted or rejected and may be when he is removed from someone's friend list. Here is an example script on how to show the notification that someone has accepted the friendship request.

<community:friendsNotifications id="acceptingUsers" name="communityUser" type="Accepted" />

<c:forEach var="acceptor" items="${acceptingUsers}" >
    <html:form action="/notification/friendship/clear">
      <html:hidden property="userId" value="${}"/>
      <html:hidden property="friendId" value="${}"/>
      <html:submit value="Clear"/>

Similar notifications can be shown for rejection or removal of friendship using different values for the type attribute. For further details on this tag and other tags related to friendship, see Escenic Community Expansion Taglib Reference: Chapter 4: community.

Once the user has read the notification, he will want to remove it. This way, he does not have a homepage stuffed with a lot of notifications. The script above showed how to clear the friendship notification using the Struts action /notification/friendship/clear. The action class that serves this purpose is The form used for the action is

Form PropertyDescription


The ID of the user who gets the notification.


The ID of the user whose action (acceptance, rejection or removal) has created the notification.