The Qualification module

Qualification plugin provides flagging functionality which is used by visitors to the site to indicate that the article has inappropriate contents. When a given article has received a flagging threshold, it is moved to a section called flagged. This section can be configured using qualification.flaggedSectionUniqueName in feature publication resource.

If you are using the flagging functionality , it is necessary to modify the articletype resource of your publications. For each articletype that is allowed to be flagged add this parameter to its articleType:

<parameter name="com.ndc.qualification.allowFlagging" value="true"/>

You may also want to alter the publication feature property that governs how many flags an article needs before it is moved to the flagged section:


Editorial staff may view and revoke all flagged articles using the Dashboard interface, e.g. http://myserver:8080/dashboard/content/?content-type=allFlaggedContent