The Statistics module

Specific notes on installing and using the statistics module.

Per default, all posting actions are recorded. If this is not desired, it is possible to turn this off globally or per publication. To set this for all publications, edit the global configuration layer, e.g.:

$ vi /etc/escenic/engine/common/com/escenic/statistics/

If the file does not exist, create the directories and file, then add:


To set this just for one publication, edit the publication's feature properties and set:


The VCE Statistics Module records most of user actions which can be displayed indicating what a user has been doing. As of VCE 2.6-15, it uses an event/listener approach to record comments created with the Forum plugin.

The IOEscenicForumEventFilter (records an action when a user create/modifies a comment) is enabled by default. If the feature of recording comment action is not desired then it can be disabled in all ECE instances.

The Nursery path for this component is: /com/escenic/statistics/filter/IOEscenicForumEventFilter. To disable this component, create a properties file at the Nursery path mentioned above and add the following line:


The database that stores statistics information can be really big. Regular cleanup of old statistics data that are not interesting can help the database to perform better. For instance, one year old login history of a community user may not be used in the features of a community site.

VCE provides a service that deletes old statistics data for configured action types. The component responsible for doing the cleanup is /com/escenic/community/statistics/ActionHistoryCleaner. This can configured to specify how old action history of a specific action type should be deleted. The example configuration can be found in $VCE_HOME/misc/siteconfig/com/escenic/community/statistics/ActionHistoryCleaner.