Change Log Daemon Setup

A Change Log Daemon can be installed and set up to ensure that the Fridge contents are always kept up-to-date. A script to be used by the Change Log Daemon for this purpose is included in the Fridge installation.

First, Install a Change Log Daemon as described in Change Log Daemon Installation. When you get to the configuration stage described in Configure the Daemon, set the following properties in the configuration file:


The URL of the Content Engine change log for the specific publication you are interested in:


A username for accessing the Content Engine. You only need read access, so you can use the same user account as you have used for the Cook and the Cleaver.


The password for the username you specified.


This is an additional property that is used by the update script delivered with the Fridge, it is not a standard Change Log Daemon property. Set it to point to the Fridge. It should be set to the same value as the proxy property in your Cook configuration file:

proxy: fridge:8104

where fridge is the Fridge's domain name or IP address.

Once the Change Log Daemon is correctly configured, then you should start it as follows (assuming that you have installed both the Change Log Daemon itself and the Fridge in the documented locations):

cd /usr/share/escenic/escenic-fridge/changelog

In other words, the script must be run from the Fridge installation's changelog folder in order to locate various configuration files and the Fridge's script.