Create Host Configuration Layers

If you are installing everything on one host, then skip this section.

In a multi-host installation, a small number of configuration properties may need to be set differently on different hosts. This can be achieved by creating individual configuration layers for each host. The Content Engine instance on each host reads its host configuration layer after the common configuration layer, and any settings it finds there override both system defaults and any values set in the common configuration layer.

On your assembly-host, while logged in as escenic:

  1. Create a folder called /etc/escenic/engine/host, and under it create a folder for each machine that is to host a Content Engine instance. If, for example, your installation has one editorial host (called editorial1) and one presentation host (called presentation1), then you should enter:

    $ mkdir /etc/escenic/engine/host/
    $ mkdir /etc/escenic/engine/host/editorial1/
    $ mkdir /etc/escenic/engine/host/presentation1/
  2. Copy /etc/escenic/engine/common/com/escenic/webstart/ from the skeleton configuration layer to your editorial configuration layers:

    $ mkdir /etc/escenic/engine/host/host-name/com/escenic/webstart/
    $ cd /etc/escenic/engine/host/host-name/com/escenic/webstart/
    $ cp /opt/escenic/engine/siteconfig/config-skeleton/etc/escenic/engine/common/com/escenic/webstart/ .

    Open /etc/escenic/engine/host/host-name/com/escenic/webstart/ for editing, and make sure the property is uncommented and set as shown below:


    host-name is the host name or IP address of your editorial host and port is the number of the port on which Tomcat is listening. This property identifies the web service that Content Studio communicates with: if you do not set it correctly, then Content Studio will not work.

    You can also set the property vmargs in this properties file. You can use this property to set arguments to be passed to the JVM when Content Studio is run, should this be necessary.

If there are any other configuration settings that you know need to be set differently on a specific host, you can set them in the same way:

  1. Copy the appropriate .properties file from the skeleton configuration layer to the same relative location in the appropriate host configuration layer.

  2. Open the copied file for editing.

  3. Uncomment the required property and set it to the required value.

For further information about the configuration layers, see Configuring The Content Engine.