Create the Common Configuration Layer

The Content Engine package installed in the Unpack Content Engine Components step contains a skeleton configuration layer. This is a folder tree containing configuration files that you can use as a basis for your configurations. All the property settings in these files are commented out. To create a configuration, you copy this tree to the location specified in your bootstrap layer (e.g. /etc/escenic/engine/common) and edit the contents to set the properties you need. You will find the skeleton configuration layer located in /opt/escenic/engine/siteconfig/config-skeleton.

On your assembly-host, while logged in as escenic:

  1. Copy the skeleton configuration layer to /etc/escenic/engine/common:

    $ cp -r /opt/escenic/engine/siteconfig/config-skeleton/* /etc/escenic/engine/common/
  2. Copy the delivered security configuration files to /etc/escenic/engine/common

    $ cp -r /opt/escenic/engine/security/ /etc/escenic/engine/common/
  3. Open /etc/escenic/engine/common/ for editing, and make sure the following properties are uncommented and set correctly for your site:


    The name of the database you are using. Currently allowed values are:

    • MySQL


    The name of the LDAP server you are using. Currently allowed values are:

    • OpenLdap


    The version number of the LDAP server you are using. In the case of OpenLDAP, you can get the version number by entering:

    # slapd -V

    The path of the folder in which all binary files served by the Content Engine are stored (multimedia files - video, audio, images, Word documents, PDF files and so on). You should set this to:


    The path you specify must include a trailing slash.


    The URL root you want to be used for all your publications. For example The URLs of your publications are formed by appending the publication name to this string. This property is in general used only for development purposes. In production, it is often the case that each publication has its own root URL.

  4. Open /etc/escenic/engine/common/ for editing, and make sure the following properties are uncommented and set correctly for your site:


    Must be set as follows:



    • ldap-host-ip-address is the host name or IP address of the LDAP server, as specified when you installed it (see Install LDAP Server).

    • your-company is the same company name you used when installing the LDAP server (see Install LDAP Server).


    The user ID that will be used to log in to the LDAP server (often called the principal). It can be specified either as a distinguished name or as a search specification. The user you specify must have access to everything stored below the root node specified with root below. For development or test systems, you can use the root user. In the case of OpenLDAP, this means that you should enter the name you entered in response to the LDAP account for root prompt during installation (see Install LDAP Server):


    The password that will be used to log in to the LDAP server. If you are using the root user for this purpose, then in the case of OpenLDAP, you should enter the password you entered in response to the Administrator password: prompt during installation (see Install LDAP Server):


    The base distinguished name (dn) you specified when defining the LDAP schema:


    The name of the Content Engine's root node. You can set this to:

  5. Open /etc/escenic/engine/common/connector/ for editing, and make sure the following property is uncommented and set correctly:


    Must be set as follows:


    This is the name of the read database pool that you defined when installing the application server (see Install Application Server).

    Do not modify any of the other settings in this file.

  6. Open /etc/escenic/engine/common/connector/ for editing, and make sure the following property is uncommented and set correctly:


    Must be set as follows:


    This is the name of the update database pool that you defined when installing the application server (see Install Application Server).

    Do not modify any of the other settings in this file.

  7. Open /etc/escenic/engine/common/neo/io/managers/ for editing, and make sure the following properties are uncommented and set correctly:


    Must be set as follows:


    Must be set as follows:

  8. If you are creating a multi-host installation, then you should skip this step now, and add these settings to your editorial hosts' configuration layer (see Create Host Configuration Layers).

    Open /etc/escenic/engine/common/com/escenic/webstart/ for editing, and make sure the property is uncommented and set as shown below:


    host-name is the host name or IP address of your editorial host and port is the number of the port on which Tomcat is listening. This property identifies the web service that Content Studio communicates with: if you do not set it correctly, then Content Studio will not work.

    You can also set the property vmargs in this properties file. You can use this property to set arguments to be passed to the JVM when Content Studio is run, should this be necessary.