Adding Postings/Comments/Complaints

Here is a template for displaying form that allows users to add postings to a forum. The template is at /template/v0/components/forum/post.jsp:

<c:if test="${!empty param.forumId}">
  <h2>Post a message to forum with ID ${param.forumId}</h2>
<c:if test="${!empty posting}">
  <h3>Post a follow up to this post</h3>

<html:form action="/insert/posting">
  <html:hidden property="com.escenic.context.path.initial" value="/" />
  <html:hidden property="targetUrl" value="${pageContext.request.requestURL}"/>
  <html:hidden property="errorUrl" value="${pageContext.request.requestURL}"/>
  <html:hidden property="cancelUrl" value="${pageContext.request.requestURL}"/>
  <html:hidden property="relatedArticleId" value="-1" />
  <html:textarea property="body" rows="5" cols="40" />
  <html:hidden property="title" value="no title"/>
  <html:hidden property="email" value=""/>
  <html:hidden property="typeName" value="posting" />

  <c:if test="${!empty param.forumId}">
    <html:hidden property="forumId" value="${param.forumId}" />
    <html:hidden property="parentId" value="-1" />
  <c:if test="${!empty posting}">
    <html:hidden property="forumId" value="${}" />
    <html:hidden property="parentId" value="${}" />
  <html:errors property="body" />
  <html:submit />

Here is a template for displaying form that allows users to add complaints to a posting. The template is at /template/index.jsp:

<c:if test="${!empty param.forumId}">
  <h2>Post a message to forum with ID ${param.forumId}</h2>
<c:if test="${!empty posting}">
  <h3>Post a complaint to this posting </h3>

<html:form action="/insert/complaint">
  <html:hidden property="com.escenic.context.path.initial" value="/" />
  <html:hidden property="targetUrl" value="${pageContext.request.requestURL}"/>
  <html:hidden property="errorUrl" value="${pageContext.request.requestURL}"/>
  <html:hidden property="cancelUrl" value="${pageContext.request.requestURL}"/>
  <html:hidden property="relatedArticleId" value="-1" />
  <html:textarea property="body" rows="5" cols="40" />
  <html:hidden property="title" value="no title"/>
  <html:hidden property="email" value=""/>
  <html:hidden property="typeName" value="complaint" />

  <c:if test="${!empty param.forumId}">
    <html:hidden property="forumId" value="${param.forumId}" />
    <html:hidden property="parentId" value="-1" />
  <c:if test="${!empty posting}">
    <html:hidden property="forumId" value="${}" />
    <html:hidden property="parentId" value="${}" />

  <html:errors property="body" />
  <html:submit />

The most significant points in the above listing are highlighted and described below:

<html:form action="/insert/posting">

The action attribute here associates the form with a Struts action path. The struts-config-forum.xml file (see Editing struts-config-forum.xml) specifies that these action paths require a PostingForm to be submitted for processing by an InsertPostingAction or AuthenticatedInsertPostingAction. The rest of the form defines the fields specified by CommentForm.

<html:hidden property="relatedArticleId">

The relatedArticleId determines whether or not this form is an article comment form. For an ordinary posting, it should be set to -1 as above. For a comment posting, it should be set to the ID of the relevant article.