Displaying a Posting

To display the content of a posting (plus a list of replies to the posting):

<c:if test="${!empty param.postingId}">
  <forum:posting id="posting" postingId="${param.postingId}"/>

<c:if test="${!empty posting}">
    You're viewing posting with ID ${posting.id}
    from forum with ID ${posting.forum.id}
    <c:out escapeXml="false" value="${posting.body}"/>
    Created ${posting.creationDate}
    <c:if test="${posting.thread.id != posting.id}">
      as a reply to
      <a href="${pageContext.request.requestURL}?postingId=${posting.thread.id}">
        posting with ID ${posting.parent.id}
    <c:if test="${posting.thread.id == posting.id}">
      (first posting on this thread)
  <c:if test="${posting.repliesCount > 0}">
    <h3>Has ${posting.repliesCount} replies:</h3>
      <c:forEach var="reply" items="${posting.replies}">
          <a href="${reply.url}">
            Posting ID ${reply.id}, created ${reply.creationDate}

The most significant points in the above listing are highlighted and described below:

<forum:posting id="posting" postingId="${param.postingId}"/>

The forum:posting tag (see forum:posting) is used to create a PresentationPosting bean (see PresentationPosting) called posting.

<c:out escapeXml="false" value="${posting.body}"/>

This displays the content of the posting (returned from the posting bean's body property).

<c:if test="${posting.thread.id != posting.id}"> and <c:if test="${posting.thread.id == posting.id}">

These tests check whether or not the posting is a root posting (that is, a thread). If a posting's thread ID is the same as its posting ID, then it is a root posting or thread, and not a reply to another posting.

<c:forEach var="reply" items="${posting.replies}">

This code cycles through the posting's replies, creating a new PresentationPosting bean called reply to represent each thread.