Entry Fields

Each entry in the entries array contains the following fields.


The name and Escenic web service URL of the Content Engine user who created the entry.


The name and Escenic web service URL of the Content Engine user to whom authorship of the entry is attributed. By default this is the same user as creator but can be different if a different author has been explicitly selected in Live Center.


The date the entry was created.


A system generated value. Used for client-side caching.


The date the entry was last modified.


The date the entry was published.


The actual content of the entry, an array of fields. In the example shown in The Presentation Web Service, the entry consists of only one basic (plain text) field. An entry more often contains several fields, at least one of which is a rich text field containing XHTML markup like this:

  "name": "body",
  "value": "<p>Here is some XHTML text.</p>" 

The state of the entry. Currently this may either be "published" or "deleted".


An array of tags. The example shown in The Presentation Web Service has no tags, so the array is empty. An array with content looks like this:

"tags": [
    "value": "Twitter", 
    "origin": "http://host-ip-address/webservice/escenic/classification/tag/tag:livelabels@escenic.org,2015:twitter"

Each tag consists of the tag's label and the tag's Escenic web service URL.


Whether or not the entry is sticky.