Using The Event Change Log

The change log is what you use to keep your event page up to date once you have retrieved the initial entries to be display. Basically, once you have constructed and displayed the event page, you should send a request to the changelog URL. This returns a JSON structure like this:

  "next": "http://host-ip-address/live-center-presentation-webservice/changelog/event/18/before/458?count=10",
  "previous": "http://host-ip-address/live-center-presentation-webservice/changelog/event/18/after/472?count=10",
  "self": "http://host-ip-address/live-center-presentation-webservice/changelog/event/18/before/473?count=10",
  "entries": [...]

The entries will contain entry structures for any entries that have changed plus any new entries created since your last request. You can use this information to update your page. You should then send a request to to the change log structure's previous URL, and it will return a new change log structure containing any newer changes.

By polling the previous URL at regular intervals you can keep your page up-to-date with all changes made to the event.

The change log sorts entries by lastModifiedDate, not by sticky and publishedDate/creationDate. That is why you need to use the changelog URL to keep your page up-to-date, and not the after URL.

The event change log functions in exactly the same way as the Content Engine web service's change log. If you want a more detailed description of how it works, see Change Logs.