Filtering the Event List

To set up a filter for the event list, click on the > Filter button at the top of the event list, on the left. The following form is then displayed:


The form contains the following filtering options:


Check this option if you want the list to include events that have not yet gone live (that is, the blog is not yet published or visible on the web).


Check this option if you want the list to include events that are currently published on the web.


Check this option if you want the list to include events that are over. Concluded events can no longer be edited, but are still visible on the web site.


You can enter a search string in this field. The event list will then only contain events with titles that contain the string you entered.


You can use this field to select a section from your live blog's publication. The event list will then only contain events that belong to the selected section. To select a section, start typing its name and then select it from the list of displayed options.

You can combine all of these fields to create a more complex filter. You could, for example, uncheck Pending and Concluded, Enter "Manchester" in the Search field and select the "Sports" section of your publication. The list would then only contain live events belonging to the "Sports" section with titles including the string "Manchester".

Set up the filter as you want and then select Save to hide the options. Once the filter is set up, you can switch it on and off by selecting the graphics/filter-toggle.png button (on the right).