Writing in Live Center

Writing and editing entries in Live Center is very simple. You simply fill out the fields displayed above the Submit button at the top of the window and when you are satisfied with your entry, select Submit to submit it for approval to your editor. Exactly which fields are displayed above the Submit button will vary according to the type of event you are covering, but it will usually include at least one rich text field, often called Body. A rich text field has a palette of formatting buttons above it that you can use for simple text styling and the insertion of hyperlinks.

Some fields (the less frequently-used ones) are hidden from view in order to reduce clutter in the user interface. The hidden fields can be displayed by selecting the graphics/hidden-options.png button displayed in the top right of the entry editor. The hidden fields always include an Author field. This field displays a drop-down list containing the names of all registered Content Studio / Live Center users, from which you can select a name. Use of this field is optional, and how you should use it will be determined by your publication designer or editor. If you don't select anything then your name will be displayed as the author of the entry by default, but you can choose a different name if required. Whether you use this field or not, and whichever name you select from it, the system will record you as the creator of the entry.

Some fields may be defined as having a maximum length (in characters). If this is the case, then the limit is displayed in the bottom right corner of the field. As you type in the field the number decreases, to show how many characters you have left. The limit is only advisory: if you exceed it, then the field is highlighted to indicate that is too long, but the entry can still be submitted and published. Exceeding the limit will, however, usually mean there is a risk of formatting issues in the published blog.

When you click on Submit, the entry you have been working on is moved to the top of the event feed, displayed immediately below the Submit button. It is highlighted to indicate that it is only submitted for review, and not yet published. Once it is published, the highlighting is removed. Entries can be in any of the following states: submitted, published or deleted. Above the event feed is a filter control that you can use to filter the entries displayed in the event feed. Select > Filter (on the left) to open the filter form and set your filtering criteria. Status can be set to any combination of Submitted, Published and/or Deleted, and you can in addition filter out everything except Milestone entries:


Once the filter is set up, you can switch it on and off by selecting the graphics/filter-toggle.png button (on the right).