Configuring the Blueprints

Now that the Snapshot plug-in itself is configured, you need to configure your blueprints so that they will be recognized by the plug-in and handled correctly. To do this you need to add two properties to each blueprint's feature resource:


The name of the Snapshot profile that is to be used to store this blueprint. If you only have one default profile, then that is what you should specify for all your blueprints, for example:


If you have created separate profiles for each blueprint, then you will need to specify different profile names.


The name of the branch to which you want this blueprint to be initially committed. You can use whatever branch names you like, but the usual git convention is to call the main branch master. Assuming you want to start out with the blueprint in the master branch, you should specify:


Once you have done this, the Snapshot plug-in is ready for action.