Query By Relation

You can use this query type to get content items that are related to the current content item.

This query type should only be used in content item templates. If you use a query of this type in a section page template then it will never return any results, since a section URL does not provide a current content item.

This query type returns curated content: content items that have been explicitly selected and placed in the current content item's Related content area in a deliberate order by an editor or journalist. Therefore, this query type has no sort options or date filters - content selection and ordering has already been done.

The Query by relation form contains the following fields:

Relation groups

The relation groups you are interested in. Once you start typing, a drop-down menu is displayed containing a list of all groups that match the characters you have typed. Select the group you want and it is displayed as a token in the field. You can repeat this process to enter many relation groups.

Content types

The names of the content types you want to be selected. Once you start typing, a drop-down menu is displayed containing a list of all content types that match the characters you have typed. Select the content type you are interested in. The selected name is then displayed as a token in the field. You can repeat this process to enter many content types.

Maximum items

The maximum number of content items you want to be selected by this query.

There is another Maximum items setting on the Queries tab that is applied to the total result set returned by all your queries. If set, it can potentially override this setting. See Queries for details.