Query By Tag

You can use this query type to get content items that are tagged with specified tags. Note that tag matching is hierarchical. If, for example, you search for content items tagged Europe, you will also get any content items that are tagged withEurope's child tags ( France and Germany, for example).

The Query by tag form contains the following fields:

Include items tagged with

The tag or tags you are interested in. Once you start typing, a drop-down menu is displayed containing a list of all tags that match the characters you have typed. Select the tag you are want. The selected tag is then displayed as a token in the field. You can repeat this process to enter many tags.

Unless you enter at least one tag in this field, the query will never return any content items.

Match how?

Specify how you want the tags specified in Included items tagged with to be combined. The options are:

All of

Only include content items that match all of the specified tags.

Any of

Include any content items that match at least one of the specified tags.

Exclude items tagged with any of

The tags you want to reject. Once you start typing, a drop-down menu is displayed containing a list of all tags that match the characters you have typed. Select the tag you are want. The selected tag is then displayed as a token in the field. You can repeat this process to enter many tags.

Any content item that has at least one of the tags you list here will be excluded from the result set, even if it matches the "include" tags.

Section selection mode

The value you select here determines both how the Section field operates and how the value you enter in the Section field is used. The following options are available:


If you select this option, then the Section field lets you choose a specific section belonging to a specific publication. The query will then always select content items from this specific section.


If you select this option, then the Section field lets you choose a section without reference to which publication it belongs to. The query will then select content items from the selected section in the current publication (that is, the publication named in the request URL).

For the Context-dependent option to be useful, your publications must include sections that have both identical titles and identical unique names.


The name of the section you are interested in. Once you start typing, a drop-down menu is displayed containing a list of all sections that match the characters you have typed. You will see that the way the section titles are listed depends on the option you selected in the Section selection mode field.

If you do not specify a section, then Section selection mode is ignored, and content items are selected from the current section of the current publication (that is, the publication and section named in the request URL).

Include subsections

Yes means content items will be selected from the specified section(s) and all of its/their subsections. No means content items will only be selected from the specified section(s)

Content types

The names of the content types you want to be selected. Once you start typing, a drop-down menu is displayed containing a list of all content types that match the characters you have typed. Select the content type you are interested in. The selected name is then displayed as a token in the field. You can repeat this process to enter many content types.

Start date

A start date for selecting content items by date. Only content items published on or after this date will be selected.

There is another Start date setting on the Filter & sort tab that is applied to the total result set returned by all your queries. If set, it can potentially override this setting. See Filter & sort for details.

End date

An end date for selecting content items by date. Only content items published on or before this date will be selected.

There is another End date setting on the Filter & sort tab that is applied to the total result set returned by all your queries. If set, it can potentially override this setting. See Filter & sort for details.

Sort by

The sort option you require.

The option you select here will be overridden by any sort option specified on the Filter & sort tab unless you switch it off. See Filter & sort for details.

Maximum items

The maximum number of content items you want to be selected by this query.

There is another Maximum items setting on the Queries tab that is applied to the total result set returned by all your queries. If set, it can potentially override this setting. See Queries for details.