Editorial Control of Teaser Grid Teasers

The Teaser Grid widget is explicitly designed to give editors control over teasers. To set up a Teaser Grid widget for use:

  1. Create a Teaser Grid widget and configure it to use a data source containing a "by section page group" query that selects content items from a Grid section page group.

  2. Place the Teaser Grid widget in the required location on the required section page template.

  3. Make sure that the Grid group referenced by the Teaser Grid widget's data source actually exists (that is, either create it yourself or inform the editorial staff who control the relevant section page that they need to create it).

  4. If you want to allow editors to select Teaser views with the Use view option (see Grid Options), then you need to ensure that Allow editors to select this view is set in the required Teaser views.